A little about me...

My name is Christian and I am from Tennessee. I am a wife, a mother of a beautiful daughter, and currently schooling life in my 30s. I grew up in Memphis, TN, completed college and law school at the University of Tennessee in Knoxville, and I currently work as an attorney in Nashville. I enjoy trying new food and recipes, spending time with my family, and relaxing on a nature filled vacation. Overall, I am so excited to begin this blog and community.

The reality of enduring recurrent miscarriages brought me to begin this blog, and although it is unfortunate, my prayer is that you find community, hope, and peace each time that you visit my site. I have a desire to have more children, and I believe that it will happen for me. I know first hand the pain of pregnancy loss and I am here to share my story of living with loss and my journey to have more children with you. Facing grief head on is not easy. My stories are filled with highs and lows, triumphs and losses, but they have all been a part of my process of maturing and have grown my faith. Infertility and miscarriages happen all around us, every single day, but are often not talked about and grieved about privately. This page is here so that you don’t have to go through your loss alone. In this community, we can relate, encourage, and support one another as we live life courageously with our loss.

Join the Community

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What Can I Do for You?

  • Provide support for mothers who are grieving the loss of a child.
  • Create a community for mothers of loss so that we can share our experience and share our stories so that we can learn from one another, and know that we are not alone.
  • Write blogs and podcasts and create merchandise that brings awareness to the child or children, that we will forever carry in our heart.